According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), the Saturday before December 25 is the busiest day of the holiday season. But that won't be you. Not this year.
- The key to a stress free holiday season is to plan ahead. Well isn't that with everything! Yup ! So that's what you do you to stay ahead of the game. So the first thing is to start making a list. Do you have a Holiday Gift Giving Folder/book/list? If not then you should start making one and start putting down names and budgets.
- "Leg Work" or nowadays "Power browsing"is key to finding the perfect as well as unique gifts. So if you are reading this in October you are sure to get a head start. :)
- Take the time to shop websites that offer FREE SHIPPING for shopping ahead.
- Use the time before the snow hits to find and browse smaller boutiques or antique shops. Make a note of 4-5 local boutiques and visit them. Remember shoping at your loacl stores will keep them in business and you never know you might even strike up a new friendship.
- Mark your calender with shopping dates. It is important that you shop after thanksgiving as the major sales start then.
Happy Planning !