5 Tips for STRESS FREE Holiday Shopping !

According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), the Saturday before December 25 is the busiest day of the holiday season. But that won't be you. Not this year.

  1. The key to a stress free holiday season is to plan ahead. Well isn't that with everything! Yup ! So that's what you do you to stay ahead of the game. So the first thing is to start making a list. Do you have a Holiday Gift Giving Folder/book/list? If not then you should start making one and start putting down names and budgets.

  2. "Leg Work" or nowadays "Power browsing"is key to finding the perfect as well as unique gifts. So if you are reading this in October you are sure to get a head start. :)

  3. Take the time to shop websites that offer FREE SHIPPING for shopping ahead.

  4. Use the time before the snow hits to find and browse smaller boutiques or antique shops. Make a note of 4-5 local boutiques and visit them. Remember shoping at your loacl stores will keep them in business and you never know you might even strike up a new friendship.

  5. Mark your calender with shopping dates. It is important that you shop after thanksgiving as the major sales start then.

Happy Planning !
